Hello Hello! My name is Tara Whiteman. I'm a design student, and I currently live in Sydney, Australia. You'll often find me sipping on various kinds of tea alongside my trusty cartoon self, Tara Milk Tea.
Tara Milk Tea began just over a year ago. I had recently discovered my love for digital art as I explored and developed many skills at university. I began creating fashion sketches of myself and soon decided to incorporate them with the original image. It's become a signature style that I've become quite fond of. Ever since the beginning, I have received overwhelmingly positive feedback and have had many requests to draw fashion sketches for collaborative projects, business commissions, or for purchases as gifts.
I created this store to make it easy to share my cartoon self with everyone. I had been taking commission orders via email, but setting up a place where transactions can be made instantaneously makes life a lot easier.
You can view more of my work and follow my story over at: http://taramilktea.com